Exciting news!
Very exciting news! Pins & Needles is on the move again!
Many problems at The Wharf, which are beyond my control and insurmountable, mean that from 30th October we will have a new home. Still in Devizes, in fact much nearer the beating heart, our new address is 2b Snuff Street. It's only just off the market place with all its goings on.
So the shop will be closed on 28th and 29th October, then re-opening in the new premises on Saturday 30th October. We will have a grand re-opening event on 2th November, giving us a few weeks to settle in before we paaaaaaarty!
Meanwhile we remain fully open at The Wharf, although without the cafe which I've had to wind down, 10am to 4pm Monday to Saturday. Hours will be extended to 5.30pm daily after we move.
Look forward to seeing you soon.
Victoria x