Come and make a fabulous, luxurious, cosy (did I mention fabulous) hat. You might not get it finished but you will get all tuition you need, but you do need to be able to do plain and purl please, it's not suitable for someone who's never picked up needles before!
You are a great knitter who needs no help? Brilliant
Consider it an awesome social evening at the end of which you'll have a fantastic hat (or be well on the way to it!).

£35 gets you all the ingredients: A skein of Malabrigo Rasta, a super-chunky, hand-dyed, pure merino (choice of four colourways); a pair of hand-painted bamboo knitting needles; a big acrylic pompom (lots of choice of colour) and the pattern. You'll also get a cuppa and nibbles. Please advise of any dietary requirements.
Start at 6.30pm at Pins & Needles, we'll go on for a couple of hours or so or until I kick you out! If you don't get finished on the night and need a bit of help afterwards you are very welcome to pop back into the shop during opening hours for a helping hand.
Payment in full please to reserve your place, non-refundable unless we can re-sell your place. In the unlikely event that we have to cancel, we will refund in full or you can have the kit for retail price and we'll refund the difference.
Choose "pick up" at the checkout, there are no physical tickets to post out.